Radioactivity Sonde consists of radioactivity sensor and GPS radiosonde, which enables to measure the vertical profile of both β and γ radiations together with temperature, humidity, height, wind speed and wind direction. The intensity of β and γ radiations are detected during radiosonde’s ascent and transmitted to the ground receiver system as a pulse count value per one second.
Two types of Geiger Muller tube (GM tube) are installed. One detects γ ray and the other is for β and γ rays. Measured pulse count values can be converted to other units (e.g., mR/h) assuming source of radiation is Cs-137.
Ground receiver RD-08AC and sounding software MGPS-R supports Radioactivity sonde operation.
Additionally, γ radiation spectrum can be measured by connecting Spectrum meter (option) with 512 channels per one minute.